RF & Telecommunications


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Technologies for a connected world

The number of connected devices is growing exponentially. With multiple networks operating simultaneously, new communications protocols emerging, and link frequencies increasing, wireless systems designers have their work cut out for them! This satellite conference will review innovations, from core technologies to their usage, to boost performance and reliability, lower power consumption, and shorten time-to-market.

08:30 a.m. - 09:30 a.m.

Welcome Coffee, Exhibition & Networking

09:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Morning Session

Welcome & Introduction


Eric Mercier

Telecom Line Director, CEA-Leti

Swan Gerome

Industrial Partnerships Manager, CEA-Leti


09:35 a.m. - 09:55 a.m.
Senior Strategic Marketing Manager, Soitec

Yvan Morandini

Senior Strategic Marketing Manager, Soitec

Engineering the future: Navigating the RF technology roadmap for 5G and beyond... more info

09:55 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
MOS & 3D Sequential Integration Expert, CEA-Leti

Perrine Batude

MOS & 3D Sequential Integration Expert, CEA-Leti

3D sequential integration for RF applications... more info

09:55 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
RF-mmW R&D Engineer, CEA-Leti

Jean-Baptiste David

RF-mmW R&D Engineer, CEA-Leti

3D sequential integration for RF applications... more info

10:15 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
Senior Manager RF Device Division, Murata

Kazuaki Deguchi

Senior Manager RF Device Division, Murata

Driving innovation in RF front-end world: Balancing research and market needs... more info

10:40 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Get some Fresh Ideas: 180 secs Pitch by a talented young scientist

10:45 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
Innovation Project Manager, Stellantis

Laurent Dizambourg

Innovation Project Manager, Stellantis

Connectivity trends and challenges for future connected vehicles... more info

11:05 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.

Panel Session

Balancing RF performance and the semiconductor landscape: trends for future investigation


Yvan Morandini, Soitec; Perrine Batude, CEA-Leti; Jean-Baptiste David, CEA-Leti; Alexandre Giry, CEA-Leti; Kazuaki Deguchi, Murata. (from left to right)

11:35 a.m. - 02:35 p.m.

Lunch, Exhibition & Networking

  • Latest Demos: Discover more than 50 live demos and network with potential partners.
  • Startups Corner: Don’t miss out on the startup corner to learn about the latest tech offers.
  • Business Meetings: Book meetings with experts to discuss your innovation project.

02:30 p.m. - 04:30 p.m. | Afternoon Session

02:30 p.m. - 02:50 p.m.
Subsidized Project Specialist, HPE

Nicola di Pietro

Subsidized Project Specialist, HPE

Edge-to-cloud private 5G networks: an industrial perspective... more info

02:50 p.m. - 03:10 p.m.
R&D Engineer, CEA-Leti

David Moussaud

R&D Engineer, CEA-Leti

From research to industrialization: delivering wireless protocols for critical IoT applications... more info

03:10 p.m. - 03:15 p.m.

Get some Fresh Ideas: 180 secs Pitch by a talented young scientist

03:15 p.m. - 03:35 p.m.
CEO, Spectronite

Jean-Philippe Fournier

CEO, Spectronite

High-speed transmission techniques and their impact on mobile network transformation...more info

03:35 p.m. - 4:05 p.m.
Senior Technical Manager, ITRI

Yu-Ju Chuang

Senior Technical Manager, ITRI

RF chipset for satellite communication: supporting Taiwan's first LEO payload...more info

04:05 p.m. - 04:35 p.m.

Panel Session

Edge computing, latency, hybrid & disaggregated connectivity: what will heterogeneity bring to the network?


Nicola di Pietro, HPE; Dimitri Ktenas, CEA-Leti; Jean-Philippe Fournier, Spectronite; Yu-Ju Chuang, ITRI (from left to right)

04:35 p.m. - 05:35 p.m.

Coffee Break, Exhibition & Networking

Bonus: Attendees will receive the conference proceedings after the event