Tomorrow’s Cybersecurity
Opportunities and threats
of emerging technologies
Technological breakthroughs like RISC-V, quantum, ubiquitous AI and connectivity are impacting cybersecurity. This conference will explore the roles of hardware and embedded software in security enhancement and assessment, given today’s rapidly-changing high-tech landscape and standards.
Welcome coffee, Exhibition & Networking
Welcome Coffee, Exhibition & Networking
09:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Morning Session
Tomorrow’s Cybersecurity AM

Bernard Barbier
The geopolitics of Cybersecurity: Strategic Consequences for Cyber Defense in the Russo-Ukrainian War... more info

Megan Samford
VP & Chief Product Security Officer, Schneider Electric
Leveraging AI opportunities to augment cybersecurity for ICS... more info

Pierre-Alain Moellic
Research Engineer, CEA-Leti
Advanced security threats against embedded AI: protecting models against algorithmic and implementation-based attacks... more info
Panel Session
RISC-V, opportunities for cybersecurity?
A roundtable discussion with the adopters of the RISC-V cores regarding opportunities of RISC-V on cybersecurity.
Thierry Collette, Thales; Fabien Clermidy, Open HW Group; Eric Saliba, ANSSI; Serge Maginot, Tiempo Secure; Simon Moore, Cambridge University (from left to right)

Sébastien Dauvé
National and European initiatives for a sovereign semiconductor industry... more info
Lunch, Exhibition & Networking
- Latest Demos: Discover more than 50 live demos and network with potential partners.
- Startups Corner: Don’t miss out on the startup corner to learn about the latest tech offers.
- Business Meetings: Book meetings with experts to discuss your innovation project.
- Forum Area: Listen 15 minute sales-oriented pitches. Discover the latest developments offered by CEA-Leti startups and local SMEs specializing in microelectronics.
02:30 p.m. - 04:30 p.m. | Afternoon Session
Tomorrow’s Cybersecurity PM

Fabrice Debbasch
In charge of Quantum France 2030 Action, ANR
Quantum revolution for cybersecurity... more info

Ségolène Olivier
Quantum Photonics Program Manager, CEA-Leti
Integrated quantum photonics technology for quantum-safe communications... more info

Andreas Mitrakas
Head of Unit—Market, Certification & Standardisation, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)
Cybersecurity certification: from policy to action... more info

Vincent Cachard
Hardware Security Group Manager, CEA-Leti & Director, CEA-Leti ITSEF
Tackling the electronic security testing challenge for hardware components and systems... more info
Panel Session
Connectivity impacts on the security of components and products?
A roundtable discussion about the impact of new connectivity technologies on cybersecurity.
Yacine Felk, CYSEC; Fabrice Isnard, FARE—Réseau DEF; Christophe Laurencin, STMicroelectronics; Eric Mercier, CEA-Leti; Alexandre Aubry, Stellantis (from left to right)
Coffee break, Exhibition & Networking