Photonics: Data & Sensing
From processing and computing
to sensing
Photons are getting closer than ever to processing cores and, in some cases, can even be used for processing. When you add machine learning to advanced integrated photonic circuits, you get a new generation of sensors for medical, environmental, and food manufacturing applications. Learn about the latest technologies and blue-sky research.
09:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Morning Session
Photonics: Data & Sensing AM

Frederic Boeuf
Technical Director, Photonics Innovations, STMicroelectronics
Silicon Photonics 2.0: technology and applications... more info

Yvain Thonnart
Senior Researcher, CEA-List
Interposer optical communications to rethink computing architectures... more info

Thomas Van Vaerenbergh
Research Engineer, HPE
Silicon photonics is all you need: the road from optical HPC-interconnects towards photonic neuromorphic accelerators... more info

Benoit Charbonnier
Research engineer, CEA-Leti
Neuromorphic photonics for tomorrow’s AI... more info
Panel Session
A roundtable discussion to listen and question industry and research scientists on the perspectives and expected impact of Photonics for both communications and computing in the years to come.
Frédéric Boeuf, STMicroelectronics; Benoit Charbonnier, CEA-Leti; Yvain Thonnart, CEA-Leti; Thomas Van Vaerenbergh, HPE (from left to right)
Lunch, Exhibition & Networking
- Latest Demos: Discover more than 50 live demos and network with potential partners.
- Startups Corner: Don’t miss out on the startup corner to learn about the latest tech offers.
- Business Meetings: Book meetings with experts to discuss your innovation project.
- Forum Area: Listen 15 minute sales-oriented pitches. Discover the latest developments offered by CEA-Leti startups and local SMEs specializing in microelectronics.
02:30 p.m. - 04:30 p.m. | Afternoon Session
Photonics: Data & Sensing PM

Badhise Ben Bakir
Research Engineer, CEA-Leti
III/V Silicon Quantum Cascade Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits: Towards Ultimate Miniaturization of Mid-IR Sensors... more info

Hélène Lefebvre
General Manager, ECLYPIA
Eclypia tackles the challenge of non-invasive and continuous glucose measurement... more info

Laurent Duraffourg
CEO, ADMIR Analysis
Multispectral spectroscopic lensless imaging system for ultra-fast cancer biopsies diagnoses... more info

Loïc Laplatine
Research Engineer, CEA-Leti
Silicon photonics MZM: from olfactometry to bioproduction... more info
Panel Session
A roundtable discussion with experts in the field of Optics based Sensing, aimed at fostering insightful and engaging conversations on Integrated Photonics for Biomedical and Chemical Sensing applications.
Badhise Ben Bakir, CEA-Leti | Hélène Lefebvre, ECLYPIA | Laurent Duraffourg, ADMIR Analysis | Loïc Laplatine, CEA-Leti (from left to right)
Coffee break, Exhibition & Networking