David Medeiros
David Medeiros has over 30 years of industry experience in the semiconductor industry. He is currently the Senior Director of Engineering in the office of the CTO of Entegris, located at the headquarters in Billerica, MA. His primary focus areas are innovation for sustainability and corporate lithography strategy. He serves as the co-chair of the SEMI PFAS Working Group and is an active member of the SIA PFAS Consortium and the SEMI PFAS Initiative. He is also co-lead of the Materials, Equipment, Metrology, and Inspection (MEMI) working group of the American Semiconductor Innovation Coalition (ASIC). David is a part-time instructor at the Gordon Institute at Tufts University in Medford, MA, teaching Engineering Leadership and Ethics. Prior to joining Entegris in 2021, David spent six years at GlobalFoundries in Malta, NY in executive roles in patterning, capital management, and fab-capacity planning, as well as 17 years at IBM in Yorktown Heights, East Fishkill and Albany, NY, in a variety of engineering and management roles, primarily focused on lithography and patterning. He is trained as an organic chemist, starting his career as a research scientist at the Shipley Company and receiving his PhD from the University of Texas in Austin. He is the co-author of more than 50 technical papers and the co-inventor on over 50 issued US patents.
Abstract :
Water is perhaps the most important substance in semiconductor manufacturing beyond silicon. Today’s fabs use enormous volumes of water with exacting specifications for purity. As the industry grows, there is an increasing focus on strategies for minimizing use, reclamation, and other approaches to ensure a sustainable future for the industry, all without compromising quality. This presentation will provide an overview of the challenges facing semiconductor manufacturers and how innovative solutions provide opportunities for navigating a future that is both technology-enabling and environmentally conscious.
Wednesday [2024][LID-WORLD] Electronics & Sustainability (matin)
Senior Director Engineering, CTO Office, Entegris
Navigating the waters of innovation in semiconductor manufacturing... more info