Sustainable Electronics

JUNE 28, 2023

Home » Tomorrow’s Cybersecurity

Eco-innovation for more
sustainable products

Electronic devices impact the environment from manufacturing to use to end-of-life recycling. The semiconductor industry will have to reduce energy, water, and worldwide resource consumption and curb polluting emissions. Moving to a more sustainable world is a challenge we must tackle together, now. This workshop will get you started.

Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Prénom Nom Speaker, Société


Titre talk Beatiam ne pore veris delenimin etur, ut di verspiet lacereria ipsae dolest velenihillam deles con cus, sequi nullupta et more info

9:00 am -12:00 pm

Prénom Nom Speaker, Société


Titre talk Beatiam ne pore veris delenimin etur, ut di verspiet lacereria ipsae dolest velenihillam deles con cus, sequi nullupta et more info

12:00pm - 02:00pm
Prénom Nom Speaker, Société

Jane Doe

Prénom Nom Speaker, Société


Titre talk Beatiam ne pore veris delenimin etur, ut di verspiet lacereria ipsae dolest velenihillam deles con cus, sequi nullupta et more info

12:00pm - 02:00pm
Prénom Nom Speaker, Société

Barraud Sylvain

Prénom Nom Speaker, Société


Titre talk Beatiam ne pore veris delenimin etur, ut di verspiet lacereria ipsae dolest velenihillam deles con cus, sequi nullupta et more info

06:00 p.m. - 09:00 p.m

Panel session

After an exciting day of workshops, don’t miss out on this opportunity to network and connect with colleagues from around the world. Registration is mandatory.

09:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Welcome coffee, Exhibition & Networking

10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. - 02:30 p.m.

Lunch, Exhibition & Networking

  • Latest Demos & Partners' Corner: See technology demonstrations and prototypes and network with potential technology providers and partners.
  • Startups Corner: Meet some of the most innovative startups in the industry all in one place.
  • Business Meetings: Pre-scheduled meetings to make sure you talk to everyone you wanted to meet at this fast-paced event.
  • Forum Area: Startups and semiconductor-industry suppliers will be pitching their offers. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet them in person.

02:30 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.