François Andrieu
Dr. François Andrieu is CEA fellow and the head of Laboratory “Nano-devices for Memory and Computing” at CEA-Leti, Grenoble, France.
He has been strongly involved in the development of the Fully-Depleted-Silicon-On-Insulator (FD-SOI) CMOS technology at Leti and with STMicroelectronics, where he was assigned between 2012-2015 in the process-integration and technology-to-design groups. His fields of interest are: NVM Resistive-RAM, In-Memory-Computing, advanced CMOS transistors, 3D-sequential integration.
He is the author or co-author of more than 34 patents, 240 conference abstracts or refereed journal articles, 11 invited papers and 3 book chapters. He received the IEEE senior grade in 2018, the European ERC consolidator grant in 2019 and the IEEE/SEE Brillouin award in 2018.