

Breakthroughs in photonics: network and innovate with leading experts and industrial players

05:30 P.M. - 07:00 P.M.

Explore a spectrum of topics through engaging presentations:

Consul General of France in San Francisco

Florian Cardinaux

Consul General of France in San Francisco


Head of Optics & Photonics Division, CEA-Leti

Cyril Fellous

Head of Optics & Photonics Division, CEA-Leti

What’s new on optics and photonics at CEA-Leti; FAMES Pilot Line and Beyond

Director, Sensing Sytems and Technologies, Google

Samuel Sheng

Director, Sensing Sytems and Technologies, Google

The Next-Gen of Optical Sensing Technologies

Optical Sensors Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

Vincent Destefanis

Optical Sensors Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

Smaller, smarter, cheaper: a new generation of photonic sensors

Display Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

Vygintas Jankus

Display Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

MicroLED optical links for next-generation computing

MEMS Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

Pierre-Damien Berger

MEMS Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

Silicon optomechanics: sensing through light, a leap in performance

Thermal and Terahertz Imaging Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

Nicolas Lio Soon Shun

Thermal and Terahertz Imaging Partnership Manager, CEA-Leti

High performance avalanche photodiodes for free space optical communications and more

EVP Strategic Partnership, CEA-Leti

Michael Tchagaspanian

EVP Strategic Partnership, CEA-Leti

How does a partnership with CEA-Leti work?

07:00 p.m. - 09:00 p.m.

Networking reception
with CEA-Leti’s management and experts