Silvano De Franceschi
Silvano De Franceschi is an expert in quantum nanoelectronics and experimental mesoscopic physics. He received his PhD in 1999 at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and, he currently works as research director at the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble (IRIG). In 2005 he was awarded the Nicholas Kurti European Prize for his achievements in the field of quantum transport and, in particular, his works on the Kondo effect in quantum dots and on hybrid normal/superconductor nanostructures. His current research activity focuses on the development of silicon-based devices for quantum information processing. He is co-leading the Grenoble Quantum Silicon Group (http://quantumsilicon-grenoble.eu) and he is CEA Senior Fellow for the field of quantum technologies.
Semiconductors and the ability to process them to the ultimate size are the cornerstone of nano- and optoelectronics.
How will semiconductor materials play a key role in the development of future quantum computers? In fact, semiconductor technology can provide not only the classical control hardware but also the quantum processor itself.
After a brief review of the different ways in which quantum information can be encoded and processed, I will highlight some of the scientific and technological prospects and challenges. In particular, I will focus on semiconductor spin qubits and present the latest results obtained by our team in Grenoble.
Thursday Quantum Computing AM
Research Director and CEA Senior Fellow, CEA-IRIG
Semiconductor technology for quantum computing...more info