Ivan Favero
Ivan Favero, head of the optomechanics team at Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques labs of Université Paris Cité-CNRS. Recipient of ERC Starting 2012 and ERC Consolidator 2018. For more than ten years, the research of Ivan Favero has enabled developing semiconductor nano-optomechanical devices for quantum physics and sensing applications. Along the two ERC projects (NOMADE and NOMLI) his team has set a forefront expertise in the physics, modeling and understanding of optomechanical resonators, as well as in highly sensitive all-optical measurement techniques.
[2025][LID-WORLD] Pioneering precision sensing (matin)
Research Director, CNRS, Université Paris Cité
Optomechanical Sensing of Liquids ...more info