
Thierry Chevolleau

Head of Etching Laboratory, CEA-Leti


I am currently heading the etching laboratory at CEA-Leti in France. I joined the CEA-Leti as researcher in the patterning department in 2021. I received the Ph. D degree from Nantes University in France in 1998. After three years in Dresden in Germany as researcher (from 1998 to 2001), I got a position as research engineer at LTM (laboratoire des technologies de la microélectronique) from CNRS and Grenoble Alpes university. I was involved in collaborative R&D program between CNRS, CEA-Leti and STMicroelectronics in the field of plasma etching processing until 2012. Then I became the fab manager of the upstream technological platform (PTA) from the Renatech Network before to join CEA-Leti.

Abstract :

Environment, Safety, and Health (ESH) concerns associated with the semiconductor industry will bring to huge R&D efforts to eliminate the utilization of PFAS in patterning processes and hazardous and critical raw material (CRM) additives from wet cleaning solutions.
The presentation will focus on the pathway to rethink the wet chemistries for semiconductor manufacturing thanks to French i-DEMO-CLEAN consortium including STMicroelectronics (Crolles), CEA-Leti and TECHNIC France.

02.50 p.m. – 03.35 p.m

Thursday [2024][LID-WORLD] Electronics & Sustainability​ (après-midi)

Head of Etching Laboratory, CEA-Leti

CLEAN program : How to rethink wet chemistries for semiconductor manufacturing... more info