Pioneering precision sensing
Speed, sensitivity, and seamless integration
Cutting-edge advances in optomechanics and heterogeneous integration are enabling sensors that offer previously-unattainable levels of performance while opening the door to innovative applications. Learn about the latest sensing market trends, changing demand for next-generation sensors, and the technologies that will reshape the future of sensing.
Welcome coffee, Exhibition & Networking
Welcome Coffee, Exhibition & Networking
09:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Morning Session
[2025][LID-WORLD] Pioneering precision sensing (matin)

Marcus Zimnik
EMEA Director of Innovation & Technology, Texas Instruments
Sense more, spend less – how smart multi-modality sensors can do more you! ... more info

Noora Tuomisto
Project Manager, Murata Finland
High performance MEMS inertial sensor for autonomous driving… more info

Raphael Levy
Head of the Sensors & Micro/Nano Technology Unit, Onera
Quartz MEMS resonators - The path towards high precision micro sensors ...more info

Jérôme Mouly
Director of Sensing, Imaging and Display Activity, Yole Group
Market and technology outlooks for the MEMS and sensors industry ... more info

Ivan Favero
Research Director, CNRS, Université Paris Cité
Optomechanical Sensing of Liquids ...more info
Get some Fresh Ideas: 180 secs Pitch by a talented young scientist
Startup Session
From lab to market: Shaping the future of precision sensing
Discover how pioneering start-ups are transforming cutting-edge research into market-ready solutions.
Lunch, Exhibition & Networking
- Latest Demos: Discover more than 50 live demos and network with potential partners.
- Startups Corner: Don’t miss out on the startup corner to learn about the latest tech offers.
- Business Meetings: Book meetings with experts to discuss your innovation project.
02:30 p.m. - 04:30 p.m. | Afternoon Session
[2025][LID-WORLD] Pioneering precision sensing (après-midi)
Frequency control & Timing
Driving precision and stability
(coming soon)

Franck Badets
Research Director, CEA-Leti
Towards the Design of CMOS reference frequency based on optomechanical resonators... more info
AFM / High precision metrology
Moving to faster analysis, Reaching high resolution

Guillaume Jourdan
Optomechanical MEMS/NEMS Expert, CEA-Leti
Pushing AFM Boundaries with Optomechanics: From Ultra-High-Speed to Quantum Sensing ... more info

Bernard Legrand
Senior researcher, CNRS - LAAS laboratory
Pushing AFM Boundaries with Optomechanics: From Ultra-High-Speed to Quantum Sensing ... more info
Advancing healthcare & environment with precision and insight
(coming soon)

Thomas Alava
Senior Expert - Biological Sensors, CEA-Leti
Rapid In-Situ Biosensing: A Paradigm Shift in Water Quality Monitoring – The NEO Program...more info
Get some Fresh Ideas: 180 secs Pitch by a talented young scientist
Panel Session
Coming soon
Coffee Break, Exhibition & Networking