
Gabriel Pares

Project Manager, CEA-Leti


Gabriel Parès has an Engineer degree in “material science” from l’Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Lyon, France and a postgraduate degree in “semiconductor material sciences” from the University of Lyon.
He has been working for 32 years in semiconductors and MEMS industry in industrial and R&D fields, formerly for STMicroelectronics and MEMScap, then he joined CEA-leti in 2004.
He is currently project leader at CEA-Leti in the Laboratory of Memories and Computing in charge of the workpackage dedicated to embedded Non Volatile memories of the FAMES pilot line.

10:40 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

[2025][LID-WORLD] The FAMES Pilot Line (matin)

Project Manager, CEA-Leti

Non volatile memories for embedded solutions on 22 nm FD-SOI node and beyond ...more info