Emmanuel Le Taillandier de Gabory
Emmanuel Le Taillandier de Gabory was born in Libourne, France, in 1975. He received a MSc from the École Supérieure d’Optique, Orsay, France, in 1999 and an EMBA from Waseda University in 2018. From 2000 to 2007, he worked with Fujitsu Quantum Device Ltd., Yamanashi, Japan. In 2007, he joined NEC Corporation, Kanagawa, Japan, where he is currently the General Manager heading Advanced Network Research Laboratories. The research activities of his laboratories cover high capacity optical transport systems, digital signal processing for communication, quantum cryptography, space communication, beyond 5G mobile communication and applied sensing.
He has authored and coauthored more than 80 papers and 30 patent applications. He is a senior member of the IEICE (Japan) and he has been serving in technical committees of major conferences in the communication field.