
Elise Chaumat

Research Engineer—Eco-Innovation and LCA, CEA-Leti


Elise Chaumat is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Eco-Design specialist at CEA-Leti. Elise is graduated from CentralSupelec (2020) and Arts & Métiers ParisTech on Change Management and Sustainable Innovation (2020). She works on environmental assessment and the sustainability of Power Electronic systems.


If many environmental impacts arise from electronics, the management of current and future e-waste has become a priority. With only 17% of the 53.6Mt e-waste generated per year being properly collected and recycled, a better management of electronics systems at their end-of-usage is imperative to reduce pollutions and recover part of strategic and scarce material sources. In this context, the EECONE European project aims at reducing e-waste on an European scale. Within the scope of this project, CEA-Leti, in collaboration with other academic and industrial partners, ambitions to develop a solution enabling the design of more circular and sustainable electronic systems. This talk will present a status of the current development of this solution.

2.30 p.m. – 2.50p.m

Thursday [2024][LID-WORLD] Electronics & Sustainability​ (après-midi)

Research Engineer—Eco-Innovation & LCA, CEA-Leti

Methodology and tool development to introduce a new sustainable design approach for power electronic systems... more info