The FAMES Pilot Line

Wednesday, June 18, 2025
Home » LID World Summit – The FAMES Pilot Line

Empowering the next generation of European chips

The FAMES Pilot Line provides chipmakers, startups, fabless companies and academics with a pathway to high-performance, low-power chips. Learn how you can explore advanced FD-SOI 10 nm and 7 nm process technologies, embedded non-volatile memories, 3D integration, RF components, and power management integrated circuit solutions.

08:30 a.m. - 09:30 a.m.

Welcome Coffee, Exhibition & Networking

09:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Morning Session

Welcome & Introduction


Dominique Noguet

FAMES Pilot Line Project Coordinator, CEA-Leti

Susana Bonnetier

FAMES Pilot Line Open Access Chairperson, CEA-Leti

Laurent Fesquet

Deputy Director of the TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble INP


09:35 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
FAMES Pilot Line Project Coordinator, CEA-Leti

Dominique Noguet

FAMES Pilot Line Project Coordinator, CEA-Leti

Fames Pilot Line opportunities for advanced chip design ...more info

10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.
Head of the Characterization, Design and Simulation Department, CEA-Leti

Thierry Poiroux

Head of the Characterization, Design and Simulation Department, CEA-Leti

Taking advantage of FD-SOI transistor specificities ...more info

10:20 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
Project Manager, CEA-Leti

Claire Fenouillet-Beranger

Project Manager, CEA-Leti

UTBB FD-SOI and key enablers for next generation node : a strategic EU-made technology ...more info

10:40 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Project Manager, CEA-Leti

Gabriel Pares

Project Manager, CEA-Leti

Non volatile memories for Embedded solutions on 22 nm FD-SOI node and beyond, technologies and applicative circuits development ...more info

11:00 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.

Get some Fresh Ideas: 180 secs Pitch by a talented young scientist



11:05 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Panel session : Fames Pilot Line Open Access opportunities

The purpose of this roundtable discussion is to provide a forum for the exploration of the concept of Open Access within the context of the FAMES pilot, with a particular emphasis on the various access mechanisms available. A significant portion of the discussion will be dedicated to the 2025 Open Access offer, with a focus on its implications and the potential implications for stakeholders.


Susana Bonnetier, CEA Leti; Laurent Fesquet, Grenoble INP; Dr. Sambuddha Khan, Tyndall; (from left to right)


12:00 p.m. - 02:30 p.m.

Lunch, Exhibition & Networking

  • Latest Demos: Discover more than 50 live demos and network with potential partners.
  • Startups Corner: Don’t miss out on the startup corner to learn about the latest tech offers.
  • Business Meetings: Book meetings with experts to discuss your innovation project.

02:30 p.m. - 04:30 p.m. | Afternoon Session

02:30 p.m. - 02:55 p.m.
Scientist, Silicon Austria Labs

Somnath Pal

Scientist, Silicon Austria Labs

RF circulators for the FAMES Pilot line ... more info

02:55 p.m. - 03:15 p.m.
Program Manager, CEA-Leti

Emmanuel Ollier

Program Manager, CEA-Leti

3D Heterogeneous Integration of chiplets in an open ecosystem... more info

03:15 p.m. - 03:35 p.m.
Director Integrated Power and Energy Systems, Tyndall National Institute

Cian O'Mathuna

Director Integrated Power and Energy Systems, Tyndall National Institute

Micro-inductors on silicon for integrated dc-dc converters ... more info

03:35 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.
Program Manager, IMEC

Cédric Rolin

Program Manager, IMEC

E-score for reducing the environmental footprint of IC chip manufacturing ... more info

04:00 p.m. - 04:05 p.m.

Get some Fresh Ideas: 180 secs Pitch by a talented young scientist

04:05 p.m. - 04:30 p.m.

Panel session : FAMES Academy Essential skills for designing in FD-SOI

FAMES includes a dedicated training work package to train engineers and technicians with the skills to leverage FD-SOI technology and design circuits using advanced setups. The FAMES pilot line aims at developing new technological nodes, such as 10 nm and beyond, enabling European companies to create innovative IPs for cutting-edge applications. However, the success of the project hinges on having skilled professionals. Therefore, it is imperative for European company employees and talented microelectronics graduates to acquire specialized knowledge and expertise in FD-SOI technology design and characterization.


Laurent Fesquet, Grenoble INP; Cian O'Mathuna, Tyndall; (from left to right)


04:30 p.m. - 05:30 p.m.

Coffee Break, Exhibition & Networking

Bonus: Attendees will receive the conference proceedings after the event

The FAMES Pilot Line of the Chips JU (2023-2028) is funded by Horizon Europe under GA 101132237, Digital Europe under GA 101182297, Partners’ National Public Authorities and the ANR NextGen project ANR-22-NEXTG-001 of the France 2030 initiative